A good size group of scouts, leaders, parents, and friends braved the not-so-ideal weather, to hike and camp at the Laurel Highlands trails. The Laurel Highlands trail is a 70 mile trail stretching along the Laurel Mountain from the picturesque Youghiogheny River at Ohiopyle State Park to the Conemaugh Gorge near Johnstown.
The hike was supposed to be 6.5 miles to a campsite, an overnight in adirondack shelters, and a 6.5 mile return hike. Due to the threat of a rainy and frigid second day, the group ended up hiking a short-cut out and got driven back to the parking lot. Still, 7 miles of hiking with a heavy pack and an overnight on the hard surface of an adirondack was no easy feat. Additionally, the temperature dropped to the low 30s at night, but fortunately the adirondack’s had fireplaces!